Tuesday, December 28, 2010

First week of January


It took the whole fall but we finally got our first regular season win on Monday, a 4-1 victory over the Knights Black team. It was a nice way to end the fall season and I feel we are progressing well as we get ready for the winter season. We just finished a successful 3 –day camp where our Minor Novices were skating and keeping up with the Novices -especially when it came to the scrimmages!! We will have a bit of a busy week when we get back as our first practices/games have been released and are below:

Sunday January 2nd Practise @ York Canlans 6:30-7:30

Tuesday January 4th Game @ Irene Risk 6:10 PM vs. Willowdale we wear BLUE

Wednesday January 5th Practice at Baycrest 5-6 pm

Thursday January 6th Game @ Commander Park Rink ONE 6:25 PM vs, Westhill Gold we wear WHITE

As mentioned earlier, the kids have really progressed well over the last few months and have begun to bond and play as a team.. Have a great holiday season and see you on January 2nd!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pictures from the tournament

Hi everyone. Here are some pictures of the tournament last week end. Thanks to William Elder (Justin's dad) for the pictures. If you have pictures or videos of the tournement or any of the games, please send it to me at pichejmp@aol.com and I will put it on the blog. Thanks
Enjoy the pictures.
This week for the Rangers:
Tonight Sunday : practice at Canlan at 6:30pm
Wednesday December 15th: Practice at Baycrest at 5pm
Thursday December 16th: Game at Oriole Arena against Leaside at 6:10pm (we wear white)
Monday December 20th: Game at Fenside Arena against Knights at 6:10pm (We wear blue)
Please get the kids ready 10 minutes before game time.

Pictures from the tournament

Monday, December 6, 2010

Top 20 - Spectaculars plays of 2009 in NHL

How to Play Goalie in Hockey : Hockey Goalie Tips: Butterfly Save


What a great weekend for the kids. They played better with each game. The coaches were especially proud of their efforts in the Final.

Monday Dec 6th, 2010 6:10 PM at Pleasantview Arena vs. Duffield White and we wear BLUE.‬

Wednesday December 8th EXHIBITION Game, Baycrest 5-6 pm vs. Avenue Road Ducks‬ We wear Blue

Sunday December 12th PRACTICE, York Canlans 6:30-7:30 pm.

As kids have school events and parties please let us know if your child can't attend a game or practice.
